CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK

CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK

CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK

CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK

CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK

What Is CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK?

CATz provides uniquely detailed topographic maps – one of the cornea prior to surgery, and another of the cornea as it should appear after correction with LASIK. These before and after images enable the surgeon to correct any nearsightedness and astigmatism with unparalleled precision and CUSTOMIZED treatment to smooth out even minor irregularities unique to each patient.

LASIK Surgery is the process of correcting nearsightedness and astigmatism by changing the shape of the cornea. The laser fires a stream of up to 40 pulses of invisible ultraviolet light per second. Each pulse lasts only a few billionths of a second. Each pulse removes a tiny bit of tissue by evaporating it. To treat nearsightedness, the pulses are placed in a pattern that makes the cornea flatter. Excimer laser light does not penetrate the eye and does not harm the iris, lens or retina.  The laser produces very little heat and is controlled by the surgeon during the operation.

Like regular LASIK, CATz Topography-Assisted LASIK uses manifest refraction measurements of your nearsightedness and astigmatism to plan the treatment for your eye. In addition, however, it uses a corneal topography map of the shape of YOUR SPECIFIC cornea to create a CUSTOMIZED treatment of small, local defects that cannot be corrected by glasses.

LASIK is done on one eye at a time. If all goes well with the first eye and you are having your second eye treated, the second eye may be treated on the same day or on a different day.

Is it painful?

Laser eye surgery is generally considered a pain-free procedure by the majority of patients. Anesthetic eye-drops are used to numb the outer area of the eye during the course of the surgery. Once these have worn off, some patients do experience some mild discomfort during the days following the procedure, but over the counter pain relief is usually sufficient to relieve this.

Are there any risks?

Laser eye surgery is generally considered to be very safe and CATz Topography-Assisted Custom LASIK is no different. However, all medical procedures do pose some risk of complications which can include mild side effects such as hazy vision, dry eye, and problems with night vision, to more serious complications like corneal thinning, inflammation or epithelial undergrowth. The likelihood of severe complications is very low.

How quickly will I be able to notice an improvement in my eyesight?

Exact results vary from person to person, but all patients should notice a significant improvement in their vision within 24 hours of their surgery. 

How much does it cost?

The exact cost of CATz Topography-assisted Custom Lasik will need to be discussed with your eye surgeon. Although LASIK seems expensive, many patients find that when they compare it to the annual costs of glasses or contact lenses, it is actually a cost-effective solution for their ocular needs.

If you are interested in CATz Topography-Assisted Custom LASIK, make an appointment with Dr. Kubota to find out if you are a good candidate. 

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