Types of Daily Contact Lenses

Types of Daily Contact Lenses

Types of Daily Contact Lenses

Types of Daily Contact Lenses

Types of Daily Contact Lenses

Wearing contact lenses gives patients the flexibility and freedom to live life to the fullest, without some of the difficulties presented by wearing glasses. Many people who choose contact lenses do so because they don’t like the way that glasses look or feel, or because wearing glasses compromises their ability to perform certain tasks or activities, such as sports or jobs that require the use of safety goggles. 

Disposable contact lenses are the healthiest type and are disposed and changed either daily, every two weeks, monthly or quarterly.  The most healthy, convenient and popular are daily disposables lenses. 

Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

As their name suggests, these daily contact lenses are disposed of every day. This means that they should be discarded at the end of each day rather than re-worn. Daily disposable lenses are quite a bit more expensive than two week or monthly varieties, but the benefits usually outweigh the cost. 

Some of the advantages of choosing daily disposable contact lenses include:

  • Convenience:  You don’t have to clean them, which saves patients a great deal of time, hassle and money since you also do not need to buy cleaning and disinfecting solutions. Daily disposable contact lenses are particularly good for people who have busy lives and are likely to cut corners when it comes to caring for their eyes or contacts because there is no maintenance required.

  • Healthier and Comfortable:  With ordinary lenses, lipid deposits from tears, debris and microorganisms build up on the surface of the lenses causing allergic reactions with the eyelids and increased infections. With daily disposables, allergens have less chance to attach themselves to the lenses and cause irritation and other allergy symptoms, making them the most comfortable type of contact lenses.

  • Simple:  You can purchase a whole year's supply at once and travel with only spare lenses (no solution bottles) which makes travelling and wearing contact lenses easy. 

Daily disposable contact lenses are available in a wide range of prescriptions, including those for patients with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia (needing bifocals). Dr.Kubota will be able to advise you if you are a candidate for disposable contact lenses. 

To find out more about daily disoposable contact lenses, speak to our friendly and knowledgeable team. 

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