Lash Boost and Latisse for Eyelashes

Lash Boost and Latisse for Eyelashes

Lash Boost and Latisse for Eyelashes

Lash Boost and Latisse for Eyelashes

Lash Boost and Latisse for Eyelashes

Many people don’t realize that eyelashes are both functional and attractive. The purpose of eyelashes is to act as a first line of defense for our eyes, preventing airborne dirt, dust and other debris from reaching the delicate tissues of our eyes. You probably don’t know that when your eyes are closed, your eyelashes form a nearly impenetrable barrier against foreign irritants entering the eyes. 

Unfortunately, we aren’t all blessed with naturally thick, luscious lashes. In fact, many people choose to get artificial eyelashes or eyelash extensions to make them appear longer or thicker than they really are. Unfortunately, the challenge of achieving voluminous eyelashes is even greater if you suffer from a condition called hypotrichosis. 


What is Hypotrichosis?

Hypotrichosis is a term used by dermatologists to describe a lack of hair growth. It’s not to be confused with alopecia, which is where previous growth has been replaced by hair loss. Hypotrichosis affects the length, number, and texture of the hair, and people who are affected develop dry, coarse and sparse hair. The condition can affect hair anywhere on the body, including the eyelashes. As a result, patients usually have very thin, sparse eyelashes. 

In many cases, hypotrichosis is hereditary, but it can also be caused by other factors including:

  • hormonal changes (such as menopause)

  • inflammation of the eyelids (a condition called blepharitis)

  • allergies

  • overuse of eyelash curlers 

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your eyelashes or you have been diagnosed with hypotrichosis, you may be a candidate for some highly effective treatments called Lash Boost and Latisse.

What are Latisse and Lash Boost?



Latisse is the only FDA-approved medical treatment for eyelash hypotrichosis. This lash serum has been shown to increase the proportion of lashes in the growth phase of the hair cycle, meaning that they grow for longer periods of time. This helps to produce longer, fuller lashes in as little as 8 weeks. 

Application of Latisse is very simple. After cleaning your eyes and ensuring all traces of cosmetics have been removed, using included single-use brushes, apply the solution to the base of your upper eyelashes every evening. It’s important not to use the solution on the lower eyelashes as this could lead to excessive hair growth outside of the treatment area. In most cases, patients are recommended to apply Latisse daily for 16 weeks for maximum improvement in the thickness and length of their lashes. Results should start to become visible around 5-6 weeks after beginning the treatment and will continue to improve until you stop using Latisse. 

There are some well-documented side-effects associated with the use of Latisse, such as permament discoloration or change in the pigmentation of the iris, so an initial Comprehensive Eye Exam, consultation and follow up visits are required for the use of this prescription medication.  Other mild and common side-effects include tingling, itching, redness of the eyes. For more information about Latisse or to find out if you are a good candidate for treatment, please speak to Dr. Kubota. 


LASH BOOST is a cosmetic product made by dermatologists, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, and is designed to improve the appearace of fuller, longer and darker lashes (and eyebrows).  It is NOT a prescription medication like Latisse.  In their 8-week U.S. clinical and consumer study, 85-90% of users achieved longer and/or fuller-looking eyelashes.  Dr. Kubota is a consultant for Rodan + Fields so for more information about their products and to ensure that you purchase authentic product, please ask Dr. Kubota.  You can also visit the Rodan+Fields website:

Application of Lash Boost is very simple. After cleaning and drying your eyes to ensuring all traces of cosmetics and moisture have been removed, using the enclosed brush, wipe off the excess and apply the solution to the base of your upper eyelashes every evening (or morning) just like you would apply eyeliner. "Less is more," so be careful not to get the product in your eyes. Let Lash Boost completely dry before going to sleep or applying cosmetics.  It is not recommended or necessary to use Lash boost on the lower lash line as this could lead to excessive produce usage and eye irritation. It is recommended to apply Lash Boost daily and results should start to become visible around 4-8 weeks after and will continue to improve until you stop using Lash Boost.  A single Lash Boost product should last approximately 2-3 months, depending on usage.

Lash Boost has been clinically and ophthalmologist tested and found to be safe and non-irritating. The cosmetic ingredients used in Lash Boost have never been associated with reports of change in iris pigmentation or any iris discoloration.  However, as with any cosmetic product, some individuals may be sensitive and may report temporary tingling, redness, or discoloration of the skin around the eyes with product sensitivity or excessive product usage.  If you experience any of these symptoms, temporarily discontinue use to allow the eyes and skin to return to normal. If any tingling, itching, redness or other symptoms persists or are not tolerable, discontinue use and consult with Dr. Kubota.  

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